Reforming Land Relations in Ukraine: Experience of Foreign Countries

Ivan Mytsenko, Tetyana Reshytko

About the Authors

Ivan Mytsenko, Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Head of International Economic Relations Department, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyy, Ukraine, E-mail:

Tetyana Reshytko, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Senior research worker, Associate Professor department of international economic relations, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyy, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


Theoretical and practical approaches to the formation of land market in Ukraine are considered in the article. The views of scientists and practitioners on the problem of creating land market are summarized. It has been proven that land market is vital for agriculture and rural residents. It allows using land as collateral for agricultural enterprises. It is a source of income for farmers and allows land to move to a more efficient owner. It is investigated that during the transformations in the agricultural sector of Ukraine, the state monopoly on land was abolished, agricultural enterprises were privatized, new market structures were created, that is preconditions were created for the introduction of market land turnover and formation of the secondary market of agricultural land. Today it is obvious that further regulation of land relations is needed to ensure effective development of newly created economic agricultural formations. The lack of a real market for agricultural land hinders their efficient distribution and restrains long-term investment in land and agriculture in general. The history of reforming land relations of foreign countries is analyzed and systematized. Peculiarities of land markets formation and organization of lease land relations in the countries of the world are shown. It is studied that the state regulation of the agricultural land market of the EU member states is aimed at preserving land, preventing excessive concentration or fragmentation of land, sale of land primarily to farmers who have experience in agricultural production and live in the area. The issue of the land market is especially acute for countries with economies in transition, including Ukraine. Of particular note is the lease of agricultural land, which is the main form of land relations in many countries. The need to apply positive foreign experience in creating a market for agricultural land in Ukraine is indicated.


land market, reform of land relations, agricultural land, land lease

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Copyright (c) 2020 Ivan Mytsenko, Tetyana Reshytko