Human Capital Development in the Conditions of Creative Economy
About the Authors
Iryna Kalenuk, Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), director, Research Institute for Economic Development, State Higher Educational Institution “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”, Kyiv, Ukraine, ORCID:, е-mail:
Nataliya Kuznetsova, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Doctoral Student of the Department of International Management, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Kyiv, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:
The purpose of the article is to determine the main features of human capital development, the formation of its new quality in creative economy. Creativity and intellectualization of social development influence the formation of a new structure of the national economy, where “creative industries” appear, based on the creative abilities, skills and talents of people capable of influencing economy through personal intellectual property. This means that human capital is becoming a key factor in the formation and development of the creative sector of national economies.
The authors substantiate the role and significance of creative economy from two positions. It is viewed as a sector of the economy that unites industries based on creative activity determining success and dynamics of their development, and the formation of a favourable environment for the creative sector has a significant impact on economic growth. It is also considered as a system of socio-economic relations dealing with the formation, development and use of creative human capital, which is the core of creative economy.
In the context of the formation and development of creative human capital, the role of education as an important social institution is highlighted. The necessity of introducing the concept of continuous education on the basis of open access to educational resources through the Internet, formation of local and global educational spaces and networks through the system of distance learning in the cultural and creative sectors and the need to develop business education and STEAM education to train professionals in creative industries are substantiated. The authors point out that in the conditions of digitalization of social development modern education should acquire signs of creativity, actively integrate into the environment of creative business and science and interact with them. The main function of the education of the future should be training of creative human resource capable of meeting global challenges and flexibly adapting to a rapidly changing business environment.
Training and development of highly-professional creative human capital should become one of the country’s priorities in the context of creative economy formation.
intellectualization, creative economy, human capital, creative human capital
Full Text:
1. Hrishnova, O.A. (2014). Liudskyi, intelektualnyi i sotsialnyi kapital Ukrainy: sutnist, vzaiemozviazok, otsinka, napriamy rozvytku. [Human, intellectual and social capital of Ukraine: essence, interrelation, estimation, directions of development.] Sotsialno-trudovi vidnosyny: teoriia ta praktyka : zb. nauk. pr. - Social and labor relations: theory and practice, 1, 34-42. Kyiv : KNEU [in Ukrainian].
2. Kolot, A., & Kravchuk, O. (2015). Liudyna i nova ekonomika: teoretyko-metodolohichnyi analiz vzaiemodii ta dominant rozvytku. [Person and the new economy: theoretical and methodological analysis of interaction and the dominants of development]. Ekonomichna teoriia - Economic theory, 1, 5–25 [in Ukrainian].
3. Lukianenko, D.H., & Antoniuk, L.L. Et al. (2019). Competitive models of quality management in higher education in the XXI century. D. H. Lukianenko, L. L. Antoniuk (Ed). Kyiv : KNEU.
4. Kurylo, L.I. (2014). Instytutsiine zabezpechennia formuvannia intelektualnoho kapitalu. [Institutional support for the formation of intellectual capital]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Tavriiskoho derzhavnoho ahrotekhnolohichnoho universytetu (ekonomichni nauky), 1, 158-165. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
5. Maiklz, E., Khэndfyld-Dzhons, Kh., Эkselrod, E. (2012). War for talent. (Yu.E.Kornylovych. Trans.). (5th ed.). Moskva: Mann, Yvanov y Ferber.
6. Moiseenko, V.V. (2007). Intellektualnyj potencial kreativnoj ekonomiki [The intellectual potential of the creative economy]. Kreativnaya ekonomika. – Creative Economy, 5, 37-44 [in Russian].
7. Starenkyi, I. (2019). Shcho take STEAM-osvita i chomu vona taka populiarna [What is STEAM-coverage and why it҆s so popular]. Ukrainska pravda: veb-sait. Web site of Ukrainian truth - Ukrainian Truth: website. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
8. Ushkarenko, Yu.V., Chmut, A.V., & Syniakova, K.M. (2018). Kreatyvna ekonomika: sutnist poniattia ta znachennia dlia Ukrainy v umovakh yevropeiskoi intehratsii [Creative economy: the understanding of the meaning for Ukraine in the minds of the European Integration]. Ekonomika i suspilstvo - Economy and society, 18, 67-72 [in Ukrainian].
9. YuNKTAD: v myre rastet spros na ydey, voobrazhenye y tvorchestvo. [UNCTAD: There is a growing demand for ideas, imagination and creativity around the world]. Sluzhba novostei OON: veb-sait – Web site of UN News Service. Retrieved from [in Russian].
10. Yatsun, O.M. (2014). Kreatyvnyi liudskyi kapital v prostori suspilstva znan: ekonomichnyi aspekt. [Creative human capital in the open space of knowledge suspension: economical aspect]. Sotsialno-trudovi vidnosyny: teoriia ta praktyka - Socio-labor relations: theory and practice, 2, 55-60. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
11. Bell, Daniel. (1996). The Coming of Post-Industrial Society. Modern Foreign Social Philosophy, 194-25. Kyiv. Retrieved from [in English].
12. Bontis, N, Dragonetti, N.C, Jaconsen, R., & Roos, G. (1999). The knowledge toolbox: a review of the tools available to measure and manage intangible resources. European Management Journal, 17(4), 391-402 [in English].
13. Creative Education Agenda. How and why the next Government should support cultural and creative learning in the UK. (2017). Retrieved from [in English].
14. Creative Economy Programme. (n.d.). Retrieved from [in English].
15. Creative Industries Mapping Documents (1998). GOV.UK (en). Creativity, culture and education: web-site. Retrieved from [in English].
16. Frits, Grotenhuis. (n.d.). Creative industries and future education. Retrieved from [in English].
17. Graham, Strahle (2019). “Creative education” is key to preparing kids for the future. Retrieved from [in English].
18. Howkins, John (2013). The Creative Economy: How People Make Money from Ideas. Penguin UK. (2nd ed.). Penguin UK.
19. Innovation in the Creative Industries. The European Institutes of Innovation and Technology wants to start of a Knowledge and Innovation Community for the Cultural Creative Industries. (n.d.). Retrieved from [in English].
20. UNCTAD Creative Economy Outlook and Country Profile report (2018). Retrieved from [in English].
21. Florida, Richard (2014). The Rise of the Creative Class--Revisited: Revised and Expanded. Basic Books, Social Science [in English].
- Грішнова О. А. Людський, інтелектуальний і соціальний капітал України: сутність, взаємозв’язок, оцінка, напрями розвитку. Соціально-трудові відносини: теорія та практика : зб. наук. пр. Київ : КНЕУ. 2014. № 1. С. 34-42.
- Колот А., О. Кравчук Людина і нова економіка: теоретико-методологічний аналіз взаємодії та домінант розвитку. Економічна теорія. 2015. № 1. С. 5–25.
- Конкурентні моделі управління якістю вищої освіти у XXI столітті : монографія; за ред. д.е.н., проф. Д. Г. Лук’яненка та д.е.н., проф. Л. Л. Антонюк. Київ : КНЕУ, 2019. 380 с.
- Курило Л. І. Інституційне забезпечення формування інтелектуального капіталу. 43г8. 2014. № 1. С. 158-165. URL: (дата звернення 25.08.2020).
- Майклз, Э., Хэндфилд-Джонс, Х., Экселрод, Э. Война за таланты / пер. с англ. Ю.Е.Корнилович. 5-е изд. Москва: Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2012. 280 с.
- Моисеенко В.В. Интеллектуальный потенциал креативной экономики. Креативная экономика. 2007. № 5. С. 37-44.
- Старенький І. Що таке STEAM-освіта і чому вона така популярна. Українська правда: веб-сайт. URL: (дата звернення 24.08.2020).
- Ушкаренко Ю.В., Чмут А.В., Синякова К.М. Креативна економіка: сутність поняття та значення для України в умовах європейської інтеграції. Економіка і суспільство. Випуск 18, 2018. С.67-72.
- ЮНКТАД: в мире растет спрос на идеи, воображение и творчество. Служба новостей ООН: веб-сайт. URL: (дата звернення 24.08.2020).
- Яцунь О. М. Креативний людський капітал в просторі суспільства знань: економічний аспект. Соціально-трудові відносини: теорія та практика, 2014. № 2. С. 55-60. URL: (дата звернення 27.08.2020).
- Bell Daniel. The Coming of Post-Industrial Society. Modern Foreign Social Philosophy. - K., 1996. P.194-251. URL: (Last accessed: 12.09.2020).
- Bontis, N, Dragonetti, N. C, Jaconsen, R and Roos, G. The knowledge toolbox: a review of the tools available to measure and manage intangible resources. European Management Journal. 1999. Vol. 17(4), P. 391-402.
- Creative Education Agenda. How and why the next Government should support cultural and creative learning in the UK. URL: (Last accessed: 12.09.2020).
- Creative Economy Programme URL: (Last accessed: 22.08.2020).
- Creative Industries Mapping Documents 1998. GOV.UK (en). Creativity, culture and education: web-site. URL: (Last accessed: 12.09.2020).
- Frits, Grotenhuis. Creative industries and future education. URL: (Last accessed: 15.10.2020).
- Graham, Strahle. “Creative education” is key to preparing kids for the future. URL: (Last accessed: 20.10.2020).
- Howkins, John. The Creative Economy: How People Make Money from Ideas. Penguin UK; 2nd edition, 2013. P. 288.
- Innovation in the Creative Industries. The European Institutes of Innovation and Technology wants to start of a Knowledge and Innovation Community for the Cultural Creative Industries. URL: (Last accessed: 15.10.2020).
- UNCTAD Creative Economy Outlook and Country Profile report (2018).. URL: (Last accessed: 18.10.2020)
- Richard Florida The Rise of the Creative Class--Revisited: Revised and Expanded. Basic Books, Jan 7, 2014. Social Science. P. 512.
Copyright (c) 2020 Iryna Kalenuk, Nataliya Kuznetsova
Human Capital Development in the Conditions of Creative Economy
About the Authors
Iryna Kalenuk, Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), director, Research Institute for Economic Development, State Higher Educational Institution “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman”, Kyiv, Ukraine, ORCID:, е-mail:
Nataliya Kuznetsova, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Doctoral Student of the Department of International Management, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Kyiv, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:
Full Text:
1. Hrishnova, O.A. (2014). Liudskyi, intelektualnyi i sotsialnyi kapital Ukrainy: sutnist, vzaiemozviazok, otsinka, napriamy rozvytku. [Human, intellectual and social capital of Ukraine: essence, interrelation, estimation, directions of development.] Sotsialno-trudovi vidnosyny: teoriia ta praktyka : zb. nauk. pr. - Social and labor relations: theory and practice, 1, 34-42. Kyiv : KNEU [in Ukrainian].
2. Kolot, A., & Kravchuk, O. (2015). Liudyna i nova ekonomika: teoretyko-metodolohichnyi analiz vzaiemodii ta dominant rozvytku. [Person and the new economy: theoretical and methodological analysis of interaction and the dominants of development]. Ekonomichna teoriia - Economic theory, 1, 5–25 [in Ukrainian].
3. Lukianenko, D.H., & Antoniuk, L.L. Et al. (2019). Competitive models of quality management in higher education in the XXI century. D. H. Lukianenko, L. L. Antoniuk (Ed). Kyiv : KNEU.
4. Kurylo, L.I. (2014). Instytutsiine zabezpechennia formuvannia intelektualnoho kapitalu. [Institutional support for the formation of intellectual capital]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Tavriiskoho derzhavnoho ahrotekhnolohichnoho universytetu (ekonomichni nauky), 1, 158-165. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
5. Maiklz, E., Khэndfyld-Dzhons, Kh., Эkselrod, E. (2012). War for talent. (Yu.E.Kornylovych. Trans.). (5th ed.). Moskva: Mann, Yvanov y Ferber.
6. Moiseenko, V.V. (2007). Intellektualnyj potencial kreativnoj ekonomiki [The intellectual potential of the creative economy]. Kreativnaya ekonomika. – Creative Economy, 5, 37-44 [in Russian].
7. Starenkyi, I. (2019). Shcho take STEAM-osvita i chomu vona taka populiarna [What is STEAM-coverage and why it҆s so popular]. Ukrainska pravda: veb-sait. Web site of Ukrainian truth - Ukrainian Truth: website. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
8. Ushkarenko, Yu.V., Chmut, A.V., & Syniakova, K.M. (2018). Kreatyvna ekonomika: sutnist poniattia ta znachennia dlia Ukrainy v umovakh yevropeiskoi intehratsii [Creative economy: the understanding of the meaning for Ukraine in the minds of the European Integration]. Ekonomika i suspilstvo - Economy and society, 18, 67-72 [in Ukrainian].
9. YuNKTAD: v myre rastet spros na ydey, voobrazhenye y tvorchestvo. [UNCTAD: There is a growing demand for ideas, imagination and creativity around the world]. Sluzhba novostei OON: veb-sait – Web site of UN News Service. Retrieved from [in Russian].
10. Yatsun, O.M. (2014). Kreatyvnyi liudskyi kapital v prostori suspilstva znan: ekonomichnyi aspekt. [Creative human capital in the open space of knowledge suspension: economical aspect]. Sotsialno-trudovi vidnosyny: teoriia ta praktyka - Socio-labor relations: theory and practice, 2, 55-60. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
11. Bell, Daniel. (1996). The Coming of Post-Industrial Society. Modern Foreign Social Philosophy, 194-25. Kyiv. Retrieved from [in English].
12. Bontis, N, Dragonetti, N.C, Jaconsen, R., & Roos, G. (1999). The knowledge toolbox: a review of the tools available to measure and manage intangible resources. European Management Journal, 17(4), 391-402 [in English].
13. Creative Education Agenda. How and why the next Government should support cultural and creative learning in the UK. (2017). Retrieved from [in English].
14. Creative Economy Programme. (n.d.). Retrieved from [in English].
15. Creative Industries Mapping Documents (1998). GOV.UK (en). Creativity, culture and education: web-site. Retrieved from [in English].
16. Frits, Grotenhuis. (n.d.). Creative industries and future education. Retrieved from [in English].
17. Graham, Strahle (2019). “Creative education” is key to preparing kids for the future. Retrieved from [in English].
18. Howkins, John (2013). The Creative Economy: How People Make Money from Ideas. Penguin UK. (2nd ed.). Penguin UK.
19. Innovation in the Creative Industries. The European Institutes of Innovation and Technology wants to start of a Knowledge and Innovation Community for the Cultural Creative Industries. (n.d.). Retrieved from [in English].
20. UNCTAD Creative Economy Outlook and Country Profile report (2018). Retrieved from [in English].
21. Florida, Richard (2014). The Rise of the Creative Class--Revisited: Revised and Expanded. Basic Books, Social Science [in English].
- Грішнова О. А. Людський, інтелектуальний і соціальний капітал України: сутність, взаємозв’язок, оцінка, напрями розвитку. Соціально-трудові відносини: теорія та практика : зб. наук. пр. Київ : КНЕУ. 2014. № 1. С. 34-42.
- Колот А., О. Кравчук Людина і нова економіка: теоретико-методологічний аналіз взаємодії та домінант розвитку. Економічна теорія. 2015. № 1. С. 5–25.
- Конкурентні моделі управління якістю вищої освіти у XXI столітті : монографія; за ред. д.е.н., проф. Д. Г. Лук’яненка та д.е.н., проф. Л. Л. Антонюк. Київ : КНЕУ, 2019. 380 с.
- Курило Л. І. Інституційне забезпечення формування інтелектуального капіталу. 43г8. 2014. № 1. С. 158-165. URL: (дата звернення 25.08.2020).
- Майклз, Э., Хэндфилд-Джонс, Х., Экселрод, Э. Война за таланты / пер. с англ. Ю.Е.Корнилович. 5-е изд. Москва: Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2012. 280 с.
- Моисеенко В.В. Интеллектуальный потенциал креативной экономики. Креативная экономика. 2007. № 5. С. 37-44.
- Старенький І. Що таке STEAM-освіта і чому вона така популярна. Українська правда: веб-сайт. URL: (дата звернення 24.08.2020).
- Ушкаренко Ю.В., Чмут А.В., Синякова К.М. Креативна економіка: сутність поняття та значення для України в умовах європейської інтеграції. Економіка і суспільство. Випуск 18, 2018. С.67-72.
- ЮНКТАД: в мире растет спрос на идеи, воображение и творчество. Служба новостей ООН: веб-сайт. URL: (дата звернення 24.08.2020).
- Яцунь О. М. Креативний людський капітал в просторі суспільства знань: економічний аспект. Соціально-трудові відносини: теорія та практика, 2014. № 2. С. 55-60. URL: (дата звернення 27.08.2020).
- Bell Daniel. The Coming of Post-Industrial Society. Modern Foreign Social Philosophy. - K., 1996. P.194-251. URL: (Last accessed: 12.09.2020).
- Bontis, N, Dragonetti, N. C, Jaconsen, R and Roos, G. The knowledge toolbox: a review of the tools available to measure and manage intangible resources. European Management Journal. 1999. Vol. 17(4), P. 391-402.
- Creative Education Agenda. How and why the next Government should support cultural and creative learning in the UK. URL: (Last accessed: 12.09.2020).
- Creative Economy Programme URL: (Last accessed: 22.08.2020).
- Creative Industries Mapping Documents 1998. GOV.UK (en). Creativity, culture and education: web-site. URL: (Last accessed: 12.09.2020).
- Frits, Grotenhuis. Creative industries and future education. URL: (Last accessed: 15.10.2020).
- Graham, Strahle. “Creative education” is key to preparing kids for the future. URL: (Last accessed: 20.10.2020).
- Howkins, John. The Creative Economy: How People Make Money from Ideas. Penguin UK; 2nd edition, 2013. P. 288.
- Innovation in the Creative Industries. The European Institutes of Innovation and Technology wants to start of a Knowledge and Innovation Community for the Cultural Creative Industries. URL: (Last accessed: 15.10.2020).
- UNCTAD Creative Economy Outlook and Country Profile report (2018).. URL: (Last accessed: 18.10.2020)
- Richard Florida The Rise of the Creative Class--Revisited: Revised and Expanded. Basic Books, Jan 7, 2014. Social Science. P. 512.