Problems of the Current State of the Sphere of the Land Improvement of Settlement of Ukraine: Public Administration Aspect

Dmytro Bizonych

About the Authors

Dmytro Bizonych, PhD in Technicals (Candidate of Technical Sciences), Director of «Etalontechservice» LLC, Kharkiv, Ukraine, ORCID:, email:


The article identifies and reveals a set of problems in the field of improvement of settlements of modern Ukraine and suggests practical ways to solve them. The problems of the current state of the sphere of improvement of the settlements of Ukraine are covered. Ways to improve the improvement of settlements of modern Ukraine are proposed. Perspective directions of further theoretical and practical researches concerning improvement of the sphere of improvement of settlements of modern Ukraine are defined. The urgency of the need to improve the sphere of improvement of settlements of modern Ukraine is substantiated. The definitions of the concepts "improvement of settlements", "measures for improvement of settlements", "maintenance in proper condition of the territory", "street and road network", "greenery" are given. The following are indicated: types of improvement of settlements; landscaping subjects; the difference in the content of national and regional policy in the field of improvement of settlements of Ukraine. It is stated: that at the legislative level of Ukraine there are no unified approaches to the formation of state policy in the field of landscaping of the country as a whole; that the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On improvement of settlements" are not fulfilled in full; that not all settlements have developed and approved regulations and program documents on the improvement of settlements. The subsystem of the sphere of improvement of settlements has been determined in accordance with the hierarchy-relevance. Problems of such subsystems as: subsystem of maintenance of a street and road network are defined; subsystem of external lighting of territories; subsystem of landscaping; utility subsystem (household waste management, burial, parking). The rating of priority problems in the field of improvement of the majority of settlements is defined. It was found that the priority of solving urgent and future problems of improvement in different settlements differs. The sphere of improvement of settlements of modern Ukraine as an object of public administration is characterized. The article formulates and solves a topical scientific problem in the field of public administration, which is to identify a set of problems in the field of improvement of settlements of modern Ukraine and suggest practical ways to solve them, and the conclusions and proposals serve as a basis for improving the improvement of settlements of modern Ukraine and further scientific studies.


state regulation land improvement of settlements, land improvement of settlements, types of land improvement of settlements, street and road network, measures for improvement of settlements.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Dmytro Bizonych