Integral Evaluation of the Level of Competitiveness of Higher Education of Ukraine in the Context of the Transition to an Innovative Model of the Economy: the Regional Aspect

Ilona Tsarenko

About the Authors

Ilona Tsarenko, Postgraduate of the Department of Economics, Management and Commercial Activity, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, E-mail:


The paper deals with the issue of integral evaluation of the level of competitiveness of higher education of Ukraine in the context of the transition to an innovative model of the economy, in particularly the regional aspect of the conducted result. The aim of this paper is to carry out an integrated evaluation of the level of competitiveness of higher education of Ukraine at the regional level and the development of the appropriate recommendations for each group of regions. The paper is developed the methodological approach to the conduction an integral evaluation of the level of competitiveness of higher education of Ukraine in the context of the transition to an innovative model of the economy, its regional aspect. The works of domestic and foreign researchers in the field of the development of higher education and the carrying out an integral evaluation are analyzed by the author. It has been established, that there is no single method for evaluation the competitiveness of higher education in the territorial perspective, which is an urgent issue for make an analysis the regional disparities in the level of competitiveness of higher education in Ukraine. The scheme of indicators of the integrated evaluation of the level of competitiveness of higher education of Ukraine is formed. According to the results of the development of the integral indicator of the competitiveness of higher education and the implementation of an appropriate integrated assessment of the regions of Ukraine, it has been stated that there is a significant differentiation of the regions of Ukraine by the most of the studied indicators that were selected to characterize the level of competitiveness of higher education. An integral evaluation of the competitiveness of higher education by the regions of Ukraine was carried out, within the limits of which the Kherson region (0.21) received the lowest integrated score and the highest - Kyiv (0.58). Five groups of regions were distinguished: with the highest, high, middle, low and lowest level of competitiveness of higher education in Ukraine. According to the obtained results, the differentiated measures of the state regulation was proposed, the implementation of which would allow to overcome the existing territorial asymmetries, improve the efficiency of higher education institutions and competitiveness of higher education in the transition to an innovative model of the Ukrainian economy as a whole. The prospect for further research is the development of ways of improving the state mechanism of regulation of the competitiveness of higher education in Ukraine.


higher education institutions, higher education, integral evaluation, competitiveness, state regulation

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Copyright (c) 2018 Ilona Tsarenko