Human Capital of the Region: the Danger of Personnel Catastrophes

Мaryna Semykina, Anna Semykin, Anton Melnik

About the Authors

Мaryna Semykina, Postgraduate of the Department of Economics, Management and Commercial Activity, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, E-mail:

Аnna Semykina, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economics sciences), Lecturer of Human Resource Management and Labor Economics Department, Odesa National Economic University, Odesa, Ukraine, E-mail:

Anton Melnik, Postgraduate of Economics and Business Department, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, E-mail:


The signs of personnel catastrophes in Ukrainian enterprises are threatening their further effective functioning, stable development of the regional economy. The study of the origins of personnel disasters and the development of scientific and practical recommendations for their prevention and overcoming become an important task of scientific research, devoted to the aspects of the formation, use and development of human capital. The urgency of this issue is growing significantly in the context of the European integration processes, which Ukraine is involved in. The article aims to deepen understanding of the essence of human capital and its qualities, to evaluate the peculiarities and prospects for the formation, development and use of human capital on the example of the Kirovohrad region, with the justification of the sources of personnel catastrophes at enterprises, and on this basis to develop scientific and practical recommendations for elimination or mitigation their negative impact on the functioning of the region's economy. The article describes the essence of human capital with the justification of the role of the main factors of its formation, use and development. It is determined that the human capital of the region is a set of qualitative characteristics of the employed population of the region, which reflects the ability to productive labor and educational and professional development, the implementation of which in the work activity ensures income, promotes the competitiveness of workers, businesses and the region as a whole. An example of Kirovograd region analyzes the trends of demographic development and migration of the population, especially the development and use of human capital in the region. The sources and risks of personnel catastrophes of enterprises of the region in the conditions of extremely low wages are revealed. A comprehensive assessment of the state and prospects for the formation of human capital of the region is carried out. The proposals for overcoming the identified negative tendencies in the formation of human capital of the region, its development and use in the economy of the region, taking into account the movement of the country in the direction of European integration, have been developed. From the point of view of finding opportunities to overcome personnel disasters at enterprises, a separate thorough study will require the invitation of foreign migrant workers to work in the region. Prospects for further scientific research should also be related to the development of mechanisms for the reproduction, development and efficient use of human capital of the Kirovograd region, adapted to the conditions of European integration.


human capital, quality, demographic crisis, migration, labor remuneration, staff turnover, personnel catastrophe, competitiveness, Eurointegration

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Copyright (c) 2018 Мaryna Semykina, Аnna Semykina, Anton Melnik