Development of Enterprises of Hotel-Restaurant and Tourist Business in the Context of the Formation of Modern Corporate Culture

Мaryna Semykina, Stanislava Pasieka , Anton Melnik

About the Authors

Мaryna Semykina, Postgraduate of the Department of Economics, Management and Commercial Activity, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, E-mail:

Stanislava Pasieka , Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economics sciences), Head of Hotel Restaurant and Tourism Department, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy, Ukraine, E-mail:

Maria Buhaieva, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of Economics and Business Department, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, E-mail:


The emergence of a market economy in Ukraine and the emergence of various forms of ownership were conditioned by the rapid development of enterprises of hotel and restaurant business and tourism. However, the quality of services in this area is still behind the development of similar enterprises in the EU. The reasons for this gap are ambiguous, among the main ones experts distinguish not so much the lack of funds, but the lack of progressive corporate culture of enterprises, which should be the driving force behind the positive changes in customer service. In the interests of better meeting the needs of consumers, the search for ways to redirect the development of hotel and restaurant business and tourism to the application of modern mechanisms of corporate culture is being sought. The purpose of the article is to justify the place and role of corporate culture in the modern development of enterprises of hotel-restaurant and tourist business, to determine the essence of the mechanism of such a culture and obstacles in its formation. The essence, features and the role of the corporate culture of enterprises of hotel and restaurant business and tourism were determined. The authors substantiated the essence of corporate culture, its mechanism and identified the main obstacles to its formation. The list of factors has been formed according to the priority of influence on the formation of the corporate culture of the personnel of the tourism industry and hotel and restaurant business on the basis of expert assessments. The main types of organizational culture of enterprises that predetermine the formation of specific segments of corporate culture were singled out by the authors. The modern priorities of the development of enterprises of hotel and restaurant business and tourism industry from the standpoint of corporate culture development were identified. We prioritize the development of enterprises of hotel and restaurant business and tourism industry with the formation of the most progressive types of corporate culture ("Business Partnership", "Democracy and Coordination"). The further transformation of the corporate culture oriented towards partnership relations should be considered as a significant reserve of economic growth and innovative development of domestic enterprises. We believe that the formation of progressive types of corporate culture will contribute to the manifestation of the work and creativity of the staff. However, this will require enterprises not only to preserve the labor values and achievements inherent in the national labor culture, but also to qualitatively transform the working mentality of managers and subordinates in promoting social dialogue, social partnership in the interests of increasing the competitiveness of staff and enterprises


hotel-restaurant and tourist business, corporate culture of the enterprise, mechanism of corporate culture, mechanisms of development of hotel-restaurant and tourist business

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Copyright (c) 2018 Мaryna Semykina, Stanislava Pasieka, Maria Buhaieva