Analysis of Air Transportation Activity in Ukraine

Olena Sarkisova, Ada Tokar

About the Authors

Olena Sarkisova, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Management, Economics and Law, Flight Academy of the National Aviation University, Kropyvnitsky, Ukraine, E-mail:

Ada Tokar, Lecturer, Odessa Automobile and Road College of Odessa National Polytechnic University, Odessa, Ukraine, E-mail:


The developed transport system is a guarantee of sustainable economic growth and improvement of interstate relations of Ukraine. Activities of all types of transport are an integral part of the process of becoming a state as an economically independent unit. One of the main problems of the aviation industry is the imperfection of infrastructure, due to the monopolization and closure of the air transport market. The purpose of the article is to analyze the main indicators of aviation activity, the shortcomings and reasons for insufficiently high rates of aviation transportation compared with other modes of transport. The role and tendency of air transport development in Ukraine are determined. Air transportation has advantages in the use for transcontinental passenger transportation, but it is considerably inferior to short-distance transportation, which is clearly illuminated and illustrated in the article. That is why, the reason for the slow growth of volumes of transportation is still the problem of updating the aviation park, the development of airports, which together with the high cost of carriage on the Ukrainian market of airline services and the difficult economic situation in the country leads to disappointing indicators of the industry of air transport. In order to improve the efficiency of air transport, a number of recommended proposals for improving the process of aviation transportation, increasing the competitiveness of domestic carriers and increasing demand for transportation among the population of Ukraine was identified. Improving the efficiency of air transport is to determine how the most efficient use of available resources of each enterprise. Fierce competition in the market of transport services leads to systematic and detailed analysis of its activities, on the basis of which it is necessary to justify the economic evaluation of work. Such detail will enable the timely identification of deficiencies in the work at each stage of the process of transportation of passengers, cargo or mail, to evaluate their consequences, to prevent their appearance and to quickly implement effective measures to eliminate them.


air transport, aviation operations, passenger traffic, cargo turnover, airline, aircraft, passenger carriage, cargo operations

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Copyright (c) 2018 Olena Sarkisova, Ada Tokar