Information and Cybernetic Security of Modern Enterprise: Provision and Modeling

Olena Volot

About the Authors

Olena Volot, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Taxation and Auditing, Chernihiv National University of Technology, Chernihiv, Ukraine, E-mail:


The article covers the issues of economic information security and creation of a reliable model of enterprise cyber security. The overriding goal of any enterprise information security system is to ensure that the enterprise operates smoothly, prevention of threats to its security, protection of legitimate interests against unlawful attacks, preventing theft of funds, disclosure, loss, distortion and destruction of official information, ensuring the normal production activity of all units of the facility. Therefore, the article identifies the main tasks and sources of information security threats, as well as the methodological principles for building information and cyber security of a modern enterprise. The model of building of information security system of the enterprise is presented and the basic models of the organization of cybersecurity are analyzed. Methodical approaches are offered, which allow to fully analyze and formulate requirements related to ensuring information security of the enterprise; avoid the expense of unnecessary security measures that are possible in subjective risk assessment; to assist in the planning and implementation of protection at all stages of the life cycle of the enterprise information system; provide justification for the choice of counteraction means; evaluate performance and compare different countermeasures. In general, a methodical approach to modeling information security and cyber security was considered allows to evaluate or overestimate the level of the current state of information security of information flows of the enterprise, to make recommendations for ensuring information security of the enterprise, reduce the potential costs of the enterprise by increasing the stability of the information flow system, to develop the concept and policy of information and cyber security of the enterprise.


information provision, cyber security, information and communication technologies (ICT), information technologies (IT), model

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Copyright (c) 2019 Olena Volot