Prerequisites of the Forming of the Innovative Integrated Structures in the Context of the Increased Educational Migration: Regional Aspect

Ilona Tsarenko

About the Authors

Ilona Tsarenko, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics, Management and Commercial Activity, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, E-mail:


The paper is devoted to the prerequisites for the forming of the innovative integrated structures in the context of increased educational migration. The results of external independent evaluation by the all schoolling subject in the Kirovohrad region have been evaluated. The particular attention is paid to the Kirovohrad region within the framework of the paper, as an example it is showed the relationship between the level of educational migration and, in the future, the decreasing in the level of attractiveness of the region and the level of socio-economic development. The analysis found that no high-performing students entered the regional universities, indicating that the universities of the region were not priority among such entrants, although, according to the results of the external independent assessment of graduates of schools of the Kirovohrad region, about 632 persons in 2019 passed tests for 180-200 points. A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the introductory campaign of the higher education institutions by the territorial section was carried out , the results of which revealed territorial asymmetries in the occupancy of higher education institutions, namely, we observe that the most critical situations in this context are the Mykolaiv (by 91%), Luhansk (by 88%) and Kirovohrad (by 83%) regions, the unfilled area of which is more than 80%. The qualitative analysis of the applications in the regional HEIs and TOP-10 universities with the highest rating score of external independent assessment has been carried out. It was found that deepening the cooperation of local authorities, businesses and higher education institutions, that is, creating the preconditions for the forming of innovative integrated structures, is the most effective tool for the eliminating the manifestations of educational migration. The prospect of further research direction is the development of differentiated measures to enhance the attractiveness of education in regional higher education institutions aimed at reducing the level of educational emigration in the Kirovohrad region.


higher education institutions, higher education, external independent assessment, innovative-integrated structures

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Copyright (c) 2019 Ilona Tsarenko