Diagnosis of Migration Moods of the Population in the Region (Motivational Aspect)

Marina Semikina, Victoria Kabay, Anton Melnik, Mariia Buhaieva

About the Authors

Marina Semikina, Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economics Sciences), Head of Economics and Business Department, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, E-mail:

Victoria Kabay, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, E-mail:

Anton Melnik, Postgraduate of Economics and Business Department, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, E-mail:

Mariia Buhaieva, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of Economics and Business Department, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, E-mail:


The article is devoted to deepening the analysis of the specifics of motivation of migration behavior of Ukrainians and assessing the characteristics of migration moods at the regional level. In recent years the migration movement of Ukrainians has become widespread. This process threatens the loss of the labor potential of the country, poses a threat to the further innovative and economic development of the state and its regions. New realities require revision of approaches to functioning of motivational mechanisms of labor migration of the population, search for acceptable ways of regulating migration behavior from the standpoint of taking into account the interests of the state and its population. At the same time, there is still a lack of constant monitoring of the migration moods of the population, study of the peculiarities and specificity of the motives of migration behavior in different regions of the country to develop effective regulatory measures. The purpose of the article is to find out the essence of "motivation of migration behavior" and "migration sentiment" and to diagnose the migration moods of the population on the example of the Kirovograd region by means of a sociological survey. Generalization of modern scientific thoughts allows us to understand labor migration as the displacement of able-bodied population to other settlements, including abroad, which is due primarily to the motives for meeting urgent and perspective socio-economic needs. Among such needs, priority is usually given to avoiding threats to life, social risks, obtaining more income from work on a temporary (once, several times, regularly) or permanent basis. In Ukraine for a long time there is a phenomenon of deformation of motivational factors that impedes the effective realization and development of accumulated human capital, adversely affects the dynamics of GDP, the state of innovation development, weakens the labor and creative activity of employees. The current situation of ineffective motivation in the sphere of labor, first of all, extremely low pay, contradicts the declared goals of building the socially oriented market economy, complicates the movement of Ukraine towards European integration. The human capital with low pay for its owners, will lose its quality. There are limited and insufficient funds for its reproduction and development. The combination of these motivational conditions and factors has the multifaceted effect on the labor choices of the population, shaping the migration moods. Thus, the emergence of migratory attitudes and the activation of migration behavior of the population is determined by the influence of a variety of objective and subjective motivational factors. These factors affect labor behavior with different strengths, in different combinations, at different economic levels. They determine the priority formation and realization of motives for moving to other settlements, including abroad. The diagnosis of migratory moods of the population on the example of a sociological survey of student youth in the Kirovograd region made it possible to establish that the basic motivator of labor migration is the size of salary with a high degree of absolute dissatisfaction with the level of own incomes. We propose to improve the internal labor market by further raising the minimum wage and taking consistent steps to shade it, as well as by introducing new approaches to quality workplace, support for self-employment and entrepreneurship. Such measures will reduce the migration sentiment of the population as a whole, and of young people in particular


labor migration, motivation of migration behavior, migration moods, motivators, evaluation, motives

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Copyright (c) 2019 Marina Semikina, Victoria Kabay, Anton Melnik, Mariia Buhaieva