The Directions of Development of the Segmented Regional Labor Market in the Conditions of Activization of Innovative-integrated Processes

Natalya Krasnozhon

About the Authors

Natalya Krasnozhon , PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Management and Commercial Activity, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, E-mail:


The paper is devoted to the analysis of the state and trends of development of the segmented regional labor market in the conditions of activization of innovative-integrated processes. It is proposed to distinguish two subsystems in the model of segmented labor market – traditional and innovative segments. The tendencies of change the demographic situation in Ukraine, population indicators by the economic activities, the state of segments of the regional labor market on the basis of population concentration within the region, age and educational structure, employment in the informal sector and migration aspects are analyzed. The directions of the improvement of the segmented regional labor market functioning in the context of development of innovative model of economy are suggested. The analysis of the state of segments of the regional labor market on the basis of concentration of the population within the region and age structure of employees showed the presence of mostly negative tendencies. The development of the regional labor market is negatively affected by the general reduction of the population and its economically active population, high unemployment in general and, in particular, in rural areas, dominance in the structure of the employed population of middle-aged group and older-aged group. The ways of development of the segmented regional labor market in the context of intensification of innovative-integrated processes include: ensuring the availability of quality vocational education; creating the preconditions for the rational distribution of income and decent pay for skilled labor, ensuring the relationship between the level of wages and its productivity; stimulating the demand for the innovative activity; creation of new highly productive jobs-place and modernization of existing ones; stimulating the innovative activity of business entities; development of cooperation of the main participants of social and labor relations on the basis of social dialogue.


labor market, region, segment, innovative-integrated process, economic activity, employment, unemployment, informal employment, migration

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Copyright (c) 2019 Natalya Krasnozhon