Outsourcing as a Factor of Diversified Industrial Enterprises’ Marketing Investment Attractiveness

Oleksandr Kalinin

About the Authors

Oleksandr Kalinin, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of Marketing and Business-Administration Department, SHEI «Priazovskyi State Technical University», Mariupol, Ukraine E-mail:


The article highlights the theoretical aspects of the relevance of the study of outsourcing processes in diversified industrial enterprises in terms of the of their investment marketing effectiveness. The analysis of relevant scientific publications in this area of research was carried out and areas requiring further processing were identified. The article provides classification features and types of outsourcing that cab be characteristics of a particular criterion. In the research process, the following general scientific methods were used: analysis and synthesis, grouping and systematization of identifying the essence of outsourcing, its structure, the principles of its formation, control of this process; induction and deduction - to summarize the theoretical aspects of the outsourcing structure formation and investment marketing; statistical and economic - to assess the investment attractiveness of a diversified enterprise. An algorithm is proposed for determining the feasibility of transferring functions to outsourcing a diversified industrial holding. The paper describes the effectiveness of the matrix analysis of outsourcing for a diversified industrial holding. It also describes the criteria for selecting outsourcing service providers for industrial enterprises and provides conclusions and areas for further research in this area. Analyzing diversified industrial enterprises from the point of view of investment marketing, the necessity arises for management to achieve steady profit growth of the company. And an important factor that positively (in terms of image) affects the investment attractiveness of the enterprise, but can also bring about positive organizational reforms in industrial enterprises. An example of such changes is the reduction of executives, the rationality of communication processes, and greater productivity of industrial processes per worker. Improving the enterprise business processes through the use of outsourcing models, in the first place, enables the enterprise to make better management decisions on the quality of outsourcing services through competition and the ability to quickly change such suppliers while enterprises have to undergo long enough bureaucratic procedures to reorganize their own subdivisions. whose work proved to be ineffective.


outsourcing, diversification, investment marketing, enterprise, financing

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Copyright (c) 2019 Oleksandr Kalinin