Information and Communication Systems for Maintaining of Management Decisions

Victoriya Gonchar, Oleksii Bogachov, Oleh Onofriichuk

About the Authors

Victoriya Gonchar, Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Head of Marketing and Business-Administration Department, SHEI «Priazovskyi State Technical University», Mariupol, Ukraine, E-mail:

Oleksii Bohachov, Postgraduate, Department of Marketing and Business Administration, SHEI «Priazovskyi State Technical University», Mariupol, Ukraine, E-mail:

Oleh Onofriichuk, Postgraduate, Department of Marketing and Business Administration, SHEI «Priazovskyi State Technical University», Mariupol, Ukraine,


The management information system evaluates, analyzes and describes the enterprises data that provide meaningful and useful information on the basis of which management can make strategic decisions to ensure future competitiveness growth. The primary goal of a management information system is to communicate with all subsystems in an organization in the way that management can make an informative decision based on an integrated perspective through the implementation of information and communication technologies (ICT). Such technologies are expected to improve information sharing, resource allocation, communication and collaboration not only among enterprises services but also to improve the external communication system. Taken into consideration the multidimensionality of system managers, it is necessary to ensure the flow of information across different subsystems, avoiding redundancy and duplicity of data. For the analysis efficiency of the received information, the principles on which the subsystem should be built are represented. The basis of modern information support is web analytics, web control and web page tracking. Each organizational structure of an enterprise must individually define its own personal goals so that they can maximize the use of KPIs. These goals are divided into four main areas: branding, management, sales, and engagement. The main and secondary indicators that monitor the ICT system are identified. The practice of doing business proves that one of the promising areas of research is the analysis of social networks. Obtained information contributes to the implementation of additional programs for the enterprise development, taking into account the peculiarities of all process participants. The community on the social network meets the criteria for the existence of tightly connected groups of nodes, which allows evaluating the interests of employees of the enterprise. Social network monitoring tools are recommended that allow you to manage your social platform profiles. For business, advancements in ICT have led to new opportunities and improved decision-making.


information and communication technologies, KPI, social networks, monitoring tools

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Copyright (c) 2019 Victoriya Gonchar, Oleksii Bogachov, Oleh Onofriichuk