Clarifying the Content of Control as a Management Function of the Organization's Management

Alexander Chernenko

About the Authors

Alexander Chernenko, PhD in Pedagogicals (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Law and Socio-Economic Relations, Kirovograd Institute for Human Development, Kropivnitsky, Ukraine, E-mail:


The purpose of the article research is to study modern interpretations of the essence control, to determine the role, meaning and to classify it in the management system of the organization. The essence of management control is investigated and formulated, its place in the enterprise management system is determined and it is established that control in the management system performs the following main functions: verification; informational; diagnostic; predictive; communication; directing; stimulating; corrective; protective. The control should be carried out in accordance with certain principles, namely: systematicity, continuity, legality, objectivity, independence, transparency, efficiency, effectiveness, comprehensiveness, completeness, rationality. and meet such requirements as: timeliness, expediency, promptness, flexibility, informativeness, low costs for its implementation. Control provides analysis of the specific results achieved, which allows managers to continue the cycle of management of the organization. The necessity of carrying out control and its implementation in the management system, as well as the creation and functioning of the management control system in management, which should ensure the compliance of current performance indicators of the organization with the planned ones and allow managers to identify problems in the organization even before they turn into crisis phenomena, in particular the goals and tasks of control as a function of management in the economic activity of the enterprise are defined, the scheme of activity of the management system is proposed the control companies. Therefore, control is a function of the management of an organization, which is the process of ensuring the achievement of strategic and current goals through the verification, evaluation and analysis of business results, as well as the development and implementation of regulatory measures, actions.


сontrol, management control, manager, management function, organization

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Copyright (c) 2019 Alexander Chernenko