The Development of Regional Entrepreneurship Using World Experience in a Military Conflict

Svitlana Bessonova

About the Authors

Svitlana Bessonova, Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), SHEI «Priazovskyi State Technical University», Mariupol, Ukraine, E-mail: bessonovasvitlana71@gmail.comm


This article explores current state Regional business and highlights the problematic aspects internally displaced persons those arising in terms of military conflict. The loss of resources and assets in the occupied territories affected not only large companies but also small businesses, medium businesses and households. Therefore, the actual problem is the creation of conditions for development of small and medium business, fighting unemployment, reducing the flow of emigration of the population. Current state Regional business located in instability. Therefore, implicated a number of reasons such as the unstable economic situation, changes in legislation, leaving young people abroad, low wages and problematic aspects internally displaced persons those arising in terms of military conflict. Analysis of business in European countries adopting promotes demand for domestic entrepreneurs. Important at local and regional levels to create conditions to overcome unemployment, reduce the flow of migration from Ukraine, created jobs, especially among internally displaced persons, creating a competitive environment and develop optimal forms of interaction and cooperation of large and small businesses in the region. A negative fact considers the introduction of mandatory early next year application almost all subjects of entrepreneurial activity settlement registrar, which will have a negative impact on the activities of many businesses. This eliminates much simplified system management, increasing the volume of reporting complicates the work of entrepreneur education which does not meet modern requirements, Demand is positive cooperation between the university and the city council as part of the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU. Amendments to the legislation must not hinder but facilitate the promotion of small business development and promoting medium owner class owners and entrepreneurs.


entrepreneurship, activity of economic entities, unemployment rate, small and medium-sized enterprises

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Copyright (c) 2019 Svitlana Bessonova