Unfinished Production as an Object of Management Accounting

Iryna Smirnova,Nadiya Smirnova

About the Authors

Iryna Smirnova, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, Е-mail:

Nadiya Smirnova, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine,


The balances of unfinished production are virtually in every modern production to ensure uninterrupted production and to avoid downtime. Accordingly, the problem of proper recording and management of unfinished production is becoming more and more relevant both for the accountant accounting for production costs and for the managerial apparatus. Therefore, the purpose of writing an article is to study the peculiarities of the organization and management accounting of the remains of unsustainable production in order to determine the principles of forming its effective system at industrial enterprises. The task of recording the balances of unfinished production can be divided into two parts: the tasks of financial accounting and the tasks of managerial accounting. The first of these includes the preservation of material assets in production, the prevention of losses and damage to parts and semi-finished products and the timeliness of the inclusion of production costs in the cost of production. As for the second group of tasks, the main ones are ensuring the rhythm of the production process and the completeness of the unfinished production, as well as the formation of a valuation of the balances of unfinished production for pricing purposes. The problem of completing the unfinished production of industrial enterprises can be solved as follows: (1) to enter the list of official duties of the chief of the production department, the heads of the shops, the heads of the production and dispatch department of the shops, the managers of the warehouses and the masters of the control over the completeness of unfinished production; (2) to introduce a system of document circulation for the control of completeness; (3) to organize control over the release from the warehouses and the internal movement of materials and unfinished production. Determination of the selling price of the company's products is one of the most important management decisions. However, today information on the cost of finished products and unfinished production, formed within the limits of financial accounting, does not provide management needs, in particular, in terms of pricing. For this purpose, the management accounting system requires information on the cost price of finished goods and unfinished production, calculated on variable production costs, and on its full cost. Such general principles for the formation of an effective system of accounting for the unfinished production at industrial enterprises, which allow solving the problems of both financial and managerial accounting of its residues were formulated as a result of the study: (1) reasonable and conscious choice of the methodology of accounting of the unfinished production, its compliance with the organizational and economic features of the enterprise; (2) the formation of a single flow of information; (3) automating the accounting process.


unfinished production, management accounting, operational accounting, completeness of the balances of unfinished production, production rhythm, evaluation of unfinished production, cost of unfinished production, pricing

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Copyright (c) 2019 Iryna Smirnova,Nadiya Smirnova