State Financial Support for the Development of Innovation Activities in Ukraine

Nataliia Shalimova, Оlena Magopets /div>

About the Authors

Nataliia Shalimova, Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance, Professor of the Department of Auditing and Taxation, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, E-mail:

Оlena Magopets, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Head of the Department of Auditing and Taxation, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyy, Ukraine, E-mail:


The purpose of this publication is to investigate the current state of remuneration and to evaluate the degree of its relationship with the results of innovation activities and to determine on this basis the priority areas for improving the organization of remuneration aimed at enhancing innovation. It is substantiated that the development of innovative activity in Ukraine is complicated by the imbalance between the declared state goals and the real actions for their realization, which hinders the transition of Ukraine from the outdated traditional model of economy to the new - innovative. The inconsistent innovation policy of Ukraine has caused: technological backwardness of Ukraine from the leading countries of the world, structural imbalance of the economy and leveling of the role of the innovation factor in the economic growth of the country. Human capital is a decisive factor in the development of innovative activity in Ukraine, as the human capital potential, as confirmed by international ratings, is high. Human capital is a catalyst for the implementation of innovations, but the effectiveness of its use in Ukraine is low. The problem is the lack of interest of the employed population in the work of innovative content due to the low remuneration of such work, the use of imperfect and ineffective tools for its motivation and stimulation. It is established that in the Ukrainian economy there is no close correlation between the amount of wages and indicators of innovation activity. It has been proved that in the industries where the largest number of innovative enterprises is concentrated, the wage level does not significantly exceed its national average. In industries where a small number of innovative enterprises operate, there is both a significant excess of the average wage and a rather low level of wages. The results of the cluster analysis of the regions of Ukraine by the level of wages and the level of innovative development indicate the inconsistency of the studied indicators in most regions, which allows concluding that the incentive effect of remuneration on the development of innovation activity is not adequate. In order to stimulate the employed population to innovation activity, it is proposed to improve approaches to the organization of remuneration of innovative labor, which are based on determination of the personal professional rating of the employee and adjustment of the tariff system of remuneration in terms of the extension of tariff rates within one qualification category to ensure maximum consideration of individual characteristics of a particular employee and the results of his work.


remuneration, innovative activity, innovation development, wages, human capital, economic activities, regions, clusters, tariff system, personal professional rating

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Copyright (c) 2019 Nataliia Shalimova, Оlena Magopets