Problems and Prospects of Ukraine's Labor Market in the Context of Structural Changes in the Economy

Anna Orlova

About the Authors

Anna Orlova, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Management and Commercial Activity, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropivnitskiy, Ukraine, E-mail:


The last twenty years in Ukraine were marked by significant transformations in socio-economic development, associated with the transition to a market economy and its restructuring, deepening the integration of the national economy into world markets. These changes have affected all areas of society, in particular, the formation of the labor market. The labor market is the most complex element of the market economy. On the one hand, they intertwine the interests of workers and employers, and on the other hand, they reflect the economic, political, demographic, social and other processes that take place in the state. The purpose of the paper is to study the current state of the labor market in Ukraine, to identify the problems of its functioning and development in the context of structural changes in the economy and to develop scientific and practical recommendations for reducing their negative impact on the development of the labor market. The article systematizes the current negative trends of the functioning of the labor market in Ukraine, analyzes the main indicators of the labor market. The comparison of the number of unemployed and the number of vacancies by professional groups and types of economic activities revealed a significant imbalance between demand and supply of labor. Among a number of reasons, it has been found that structural changes in the national economy have an impact on the negative trends in the development of the labor market. It is determined that under the influence of scientific and technological progress structural changes will deepen, obsolete occupations will disappear and new ones will arise, employers' demands for hired workers will be changed accordingly. The conducted research made it possible to identify the problems of the labor market development and to propose recommendations for reducing or eliminating the impact of structural changes on the prospects for the development of the labor market. In particular, the recommendations, in our opinion, should be aimed at developing a methodology for scientifically based forecasting of the labor market, taking into account the development programs of the branches of the economy and the mechanism for identifying the requirements for the training of skilled workers and specialists on a state-owned basis.


labor market, employment, unemployment, imbalance of demand and supply of labor, structural changes, occupations, scientific and technological progress, informatization of society


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Copyright (c) 2019 Anna Orlova