Macro-level Modelling of Budget Support for Social Risk Management

Vasiliy Nadraga,Anatoliy Balanda

About the Authors

Vasiliy Nadraga, Associate Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Professor at the Department of Personnel Management and Labor Economics, Ukrainian State Employment Service Training Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine, E-mail:

Anatoliy Balanda, Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economics Sciences), Professor at the Special departments, Military Diplomatic Academy named after Yevheniy Bereznyak, Kyiv, Ukraine, E-mail:


The article formulated and implemented the conceptual statement of the problem of constructing a mathematical model consisting in obtaining the function of interpolation, as well as a mathematical statement, which found an expression in the calculation of local extremes of the cubic polynomial weight of social expenditures of the state budget. As a fundamental assumption of the macro-level model of budget support for social risk management, the approach is set out in the ESSPROS methodology - the social protection and social security system should be the main compensatory mechanism for social risks. The construction of the interpolation function of the specific weight of the state budget expenditures on social protection and social security in total expenditures is carried out in the computing algorithms environment Wolfram | Alpha. The constructed mathematical model of budget support for social risk management provided an opportunity to obtain a mathematical algorithm, which formalized the uncertainty situation related to the probabilistic nature of the risk manifestation and made appropriate projected estimates.


social risks, interpolation function, probability, social protection, social security, management function

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