Improvement of the Water Supply and Sewage System of the Public Regional Production Enterprise Dnipro-Kirovohrad with the Assistance of the World Bank's Investments

Ivan Mytsenko, Tetyana Reshytko

About the Authors

Ivan Mytsenko, Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Head of International Economic Relations Department, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyy, Ukraine, E-mail:

Tetyana Reshytko, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Senior research worker, Associate Professor department of international economic relations, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyy, Ukraine, E-mail:


The article deals with the legislative and regulatory framework of Ukraine in the sphere of water supply, sewage and foreign investment. It was investigated that the main activity of the enterprise is centralized water supply and sewage in Kirovohrad region. It was emphasized that public regional production enterprise Dnipro-Kirovohrad provides centralized water supply services in 16 communities of the region. It was found that due to insufficient financing of the enterprise, the infrastructure for drainage and wastewater treatment did not work properly or did not work at all, which caused permanent pollution of waterways. The investment activity of the enterprise has been analyzed with the help of internal reserves. The nature of foreign investments within the framework of the project "Urban Infrastructure Development-2" and the directions of investment activity of the enterprise Dnipro-Kirovohrad in the framework of cooperation with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) are explored. It is disclosed that the aim of the investment programme of the enterprise Dnipro-Kirovohrad is to improve the provision of the population of Kirovohrad region with drinking water of normative quality, to increase the efficiency and reliability of the operation of the water and sewage services, to carry out repairs and reconstruction works of the water and sewage facilities, to reduce the production costs of the enterprise for the provision of centralized water supply services and sewage, and to establish economically justified tariffs for services provided by licensing activities. It has been proved that the implementation of the investment project will have a positive environmental and social impact, in particular, on improving the quality of drinking water; reduction of consumption and water losses, greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants emissions, energy consumption; improvement of the quality of waste water discharged into the reservoir; providing cities and villages with adequate access to water supply and sewage systems.


water supply and sewage systems, drinking water quality, foreign investments, World Bank investments

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Copyright (c) 2019 Ivan Mytsenko, Tetyana Reshytko