Determinants of Activating of Innovation Activity in Ukraine

Dmitry Frolov

About the Authors

Dmitry Frolov, Postgraduate, State Higher Educational Institution «Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University», Kyiv, Ukraine, E-mail:


The purpose of the article is to assess the factors that characterize innovative development, and the detection of the determinants of influence on the effectiveness of innovation activities in Ukraine. The article critically assesses the indicators that characterize the state and dynamics of innovation at all stages of the innovation process. The relative indicators of the state of the innovation sphere of the country presented in the latest statistical compendium form only a general idea of the state of innovation in sectors of the economy. However, they do not characterize the state of development of each stage of the innovation process and its effectiveness, they are not suitable for monitoring and regulating the innovation activity of the stages of the innovation cycle, and are not comparable with international indicators. The article identifies the most important factors influencing on effectiveness of innovation, the activation of the innovation process and improving the management of this process. Based on the constructed econometric model, it is substantiated and proved that the main determinant of the activation of innovative development is the amount of expenditures for financing each stage of the innovation cycle. Taking into account the lack of domestic financial resources for innovative development, the necessity of attracting external sources of financing to this area and increasing their share in the total amount of expenditures on innovative activities is justified. The priority tasks for improving the management in the innovation sphere are formulated, which include: providing innovation activities with the necessary funding in the context of all stages of the innovation process; development of international management in this area and attraction of international financial resources to innovative projects; expansion of statistical indicators that objectively characterize the state and development of the innovation environment, and conducting statistical observations in the context of these indicators.


innovation activity, innovation process stages, statistical indicators, influence factors, financing, international management`

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Copyright (c) 2019 Dmitry Frolov