Ecological and Economic Consequences Caused by Fires in Natural Eco-Systems

Viktoria Chuban, Yurii Horbachenko

About the Authors

Viktoria Chuban, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate professor of Management in the Sphere of Civil Defense Departmen, Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Chernobyl Heroes of National University of Civil Defense in Ukraine, Cherkassy, Ukraine, E-mail:

Yurii Horbachenko, Associate Professor, PhD in History (Candidate of History Sciences), Associate professor of Management in the Sphere of Civil Defense Department, Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Chernobyl Heroes of National University of Civil Defense in Ukraine, Cherkassy, Ukraine, E-mail:


The article is aimed at determining main aspects of the effect the fires in natural eco-systems produce on the economics of Ukraine as a whole. Main tasks are to analyze fire hazard, to determine degree of damage and theorize possible ways of cleaning up the situation at the state level. The methods of evaluation of losses from environmental disasters differ greatly from the methods of evaluation of losses from manmade disasters. First of all, it is connected with significant differences in types and scope of consequences. Every third fire in Ukraine is the one in natural ecosystem, i.e., in general, it is more than 27,000 fires a year at the area of 25,000 ha. Expenditures from the State Budget of Ukraine are analyzed and it is determined that the level of financing of bodies and units of State service of Emergency Situations in Ukraine is not sufficient because the efficiency of emergency response is determined by the level of response readiness of material and technical basis of bodies and units of State Service of Emergency Situations in Ukraine. Due to inadequate level of financing, the necessary level of protection of the population and territories from emergency situations, including fires in ecosystems, will not be achieved. Thus, the main problem was and still is a lack of financing from the state budget to buy fire-fighting equipment and means of fire-fighting. The task of implementation of an ecosystem approach to managerial activity and adapting Ukrainian legislation in the field of environmental protection to the requirements of EU directives is crucial by the year 2020. Implementation of modern integrated systems of early detection of fires, increase of readiness of fire-fighting forces, modernization of technical means of fire extinguishing and conducting of fire propaganda using modern information technologies should be the priority directions of further development of ecosystem protection in Ukraine, as well as in other countries of the world. Fires in natural ecosystems lead to significant economic losses and negative environmental consequences and are a dangerous phenomenon in the environment, which, in its turn, leads to destabilization of sustainable development. The solution of the problem of ensuring an adequate level of protection in natural ecosystems from fires and their negative consequences is the complex phased solution of problem issues of proper financing of fire and rescue units, including additional financing from the local budget.


financing of fire and rescue units, budget, environmental and economic losses, fires in ecosystems

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Copyright (c) 2019 Viktoria Chuban, Yurii Horbachenko