The Analysis of Barriers in Preserving and Developing Labor Potential of Enterprises in the Context of Deepening of European-Integration Processes in Ukraine

Maria Buhaieva

About the Authors

Maria Buhaieva, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of Economics and Business Department, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, E-mail:


Qualitative changes in the economy of the regions of Ukraine and the welfare of the population can not be achieved without the purposeful and effective attraction of labor resources, creation of favorable conditions for productive labor, social protection of workers, their educational and professional development during their working life. However, along with the deepening of European integration processes in Ukraine, that have their positive and negative consequences for the processes of preserving and developing the labor potential of the country, inconsistency of market reforms, the economic crisis, decline in production, unemployment combined with the intensification of migration processes as a result of the annexation of the Crimea and hostilities Russia in the East, a significant decrease in the level and quality of life of the population in the regions and the country as a whole. As a result of deepening of European integration processes and internal influential factors on the formation, development and preservation of labor potential, not only quantitative reduction of labor resources in the vast majority of sectors of the national economy of Ukraine, but also deterioration of their quality, deepening the discrepancy between volumes and the structure of supply and demand labor force in regional labor markets, inefficient and inefficient use of labor potential of enterprises. The purpose of the study is to identify the current key obstacles in preserving and developing the labor potential of enterprises in the context of deepening of European integration processes taking into account national influential factors and finding acceptable ways of solving this problem at the level of enterprises, regions and the country as a whole, in particular, to develop a comprehensive mechanism of preservation and development of labor potential of the enterprise in the conditions of European integration. The article highlights the influence of European integration processes, as well as internal influential factors on the formation, development and preservation of labor potential of Ukraine as a whole, Kirovograd region, enterprises of the region. The modern destructive processes and deficiencies in the formation, preservation and development of Ukraine's labor potential in the context of deepening of European integration processes are determined. We were looking for solutions these problems at the level of enterprises, region and country as a whole. The complex mechanism of preservation and development of the labor potential of the enterprise in the conditions of European integration is offered. We have identified national and regional trends in the formation and use of labor potential and they have specific forms of manifestation at the enterprise level.


economy of the region, European integration processes, population, labor potential, socio-economic development, regional socio-economic factors, socio-demographic transformations of labor supply of the region

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Copyright (c) 2019 Maria Buhaieva