Analysis of the restaurant business intelligent automation market trends

Halyna Ostrovska, Roman Sherstiuk, Oleksandr Letun

About the Authors

Halyna Ostrovska, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Management of Innovation Activity and Services Industry, Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, ОRCID:, e-mail:

Roman Sherstiuk, Associate Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine, ORCID:,e-mail:

Oleksandr Letun, Postgraduate Student of the Department of Management of Innovation Activity and Service Industries, Ternopil, Ukraine,, e-mail:


The article is devoted to the restaurant business intelligent automation market trends. The main reasons for the need to automate business processes at Ukrainian restaurant enterprises have been identified. It is argued that intelligent automation plays an important role in increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of the restaurant industry. The author’s definition of the category “the public catering enterprise processes intelligent automation” is given. The impact of digitization and automation on the accelerated development of FoodNet – a high-tech market for food production and consumption is proven. The FoodNet creating main goal is the development of “smart” services and products that will become leaders in world markets due to the best technological solutions for human food security. The areas of automation technologies practical application in the restaurant enterprise are proposed. A comparative characterization of the main restaurant business automation systems was carried out, their advantages and disadvantages were revealed. An etalon application process of new technologies for innovative business processes in the Ukrainian market of restaurant services has been developed, taking into account modern realities. These technologies simplify routine operations, ensure high accuracy and improve the overall experience for both restaurant owners and customers. The world experience regarding the use of innovations in the intelligent automation field was studied as a multi-element system that positively effects the functioning of restaurant enterprises. A number of recommendations are offered in the context of updating existing business models and using innovations in the field of intelligent automation, which make it possible to increase work efficiency, improve customer service and optimize business processes of the restaurant business. In general, it is important to consider intelligent automation in the context of the specific needs and capabilities of an individual restaurant enterprise.


restaurant business enterprise, restaurant technology market, intelligent automation systems, food market, innovation process, robotics.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Halyna Ostrovska, Roman Sherstiuk, Oleksandr Letun