The Content of Economic Crises and Their Impact on the Formation and Development of Personnel Potential of Enterprises
About the Authors
Denis Demchenko, Graduate student of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Economics, University of Customs and Finance, Dnipro, Ukraine, ORCID: , e-mail:
Nosova Tetiana, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Economics, University of Customs and Finance, Dnipro, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:
Kostiantyn Zhadko, Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Economics, University of Customs and Finance, Dnipro, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:
Oleg Kalmykov, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, HryhoriiSkovoroda University in Pereiaslav, Kyiv, Ukraine, ORCID: ORCID:, e-mail:
The article discusses the essence of the economic crisis, its stages and classification, as well as the causes of economic crises. The crisis is the most important element of the self-regulation mechanism of the market economy, the life cycles in the activities of enterprises, as a form of movement of the market economy, have their focus on the crisis, in which both the limits and the driving forces of economic growth and development of enterprises are revealed. Studying economic crises at the global level will help the business community learn how to get out of them quickly and painlessly. By causing a massive moral loss of fixed capital, the crisis paved the way for large-scale investment and a new level of technology.
Thus, the moral exhaustion of technology and the driving force of scientific and technological progress transform the restoration of fixed capital into synchronized reproduction on the scale of the entire economy. The crisis of formation and development of human resources is one of the most difficult problems faced by enterprises in various industries. This can lead to reduced productivity, increased employee turnover, increased conflicts, and other problems. One of the causes of the intermediate crisis is the lack of formation and development human resources and insufficient analysis of the labor market. As you know, modern society is trying to improve the standard and living conditions every day, and only this can ensure sustainable economic growth. With regard to overcoming all types of economic crisis in terms of the formation and development of human resources of enterprises, it is necessary to improve the skills of employees; acquire the competence of employees in the position held; conduct an effective personnel policy; improve corporate culture; develop a strategy for the development of staffing; manage effectively knowledge and the leader must make organizational changes. If this is done in the future, it will mean creating credit channels for commercial banks for money.
However, observations show that long-term economic growth is not uniform, but constantly evolving with periods of economic instability and even crisis. The topic of the current economic crisis is very relevant, because if we do not know the cause of the economic crisis, we cannot find a way out.
enterprise economy, economic crises, personnel potential, personnel formation, enterprise development, society, economic growth of management
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1. Базилевич В. Д,, Гражевська Н. І. Економічна теорія: Політекономія: навч. посіб. Київ, 2014. 710 с.
2. Барановський, О. І. Фінансові кризи: передумови, наслідки та шляхи запобігання: монографія. Київ, КНЕУ, 2009. 754 с.
3. Бутко М. П., Маюренко C. O. Теоретичні засади кризових явищ в економіці. Економіка та держава. 2011. № 4. С. 4-7. URL: (дата звернення: 20.11.2023).
4. Воронкова В. Г., Беліченко А. Г., Попов О. М. Управління людськими ресурсами: філософські засади: навч. посібник. Київ : ВД «Професіонал», 2006. 576 с.
5. Жадько К.С. Організація виробничої та маркетингової діяльності малого і середнього бізнесу: монографія. Дніпро: УМСФ, 2019. 224с.
6. Носова Т.І. Економічна сутність категорії «Інтелектуальний потенціал». Механізм регулювання економіки. 2014. № 2. С. 159-166. URL: _Essence_of_the_Category_of_Intellectual_Potential_.pdf (дата звернення: 01.09.2023).
7. Чепінога В. Г. Основи економічної теорії: навч. посіб. Київ, 2003. 456 с.
8. Kristek U. Krisenbewaltingungs-Management und Unternehmungsplanung: Neuebetriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, Bd.17. Wiesbaden, 1981. 115p.
Copyright (c) 2023 Nataliia Shalimova, Iryna Smirnova, Iryna Androchuk
The Content of Economic Crises and Their Impact on the Formation and Development of Personnel Potential of Enterprises
About the Authors
Denis Demchenko, Graduate student of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Economics, University of Customs and Finance, Dnipro, Ukraine, ORCID: , e-mail:
Nosova Tetiana, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Economics, University of Customs and Finance, Dnipro, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:
Kostiantyn Zhadko, Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economic Sciences), Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Economics, University of Customs and Finance, Dnipro, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:
Oleg Kalmykov, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, HryhoriiSkovoroda University in Pereiaslav, Kyiv, Ukraine, ORCID: ORCID:, e-mail:
Full Text:
Bazylevych, V.D., & Grazevska, N.I. (2014). Ekonomichna teoriia: Politekonomiia [Economic theory: Political economy]. Kyiv [inUkrainian].
2. Baranovs'kyy, O.I. (2009). Finansovi kryzy : peredumovy, naslidky i shlyakhy zapobihannya [Financial crisis: background, consequences and ways of prevention]. Kyiv: KNEU. [in Ukrainian].
3. Butko, M.P., & Mayurenko, S.O. (2011). Teoretychni zasady kryzovykh iavyshch v ekonomitsi [The theoretical basis of the economic crisis]. Ekonomika ta derzhava - The economy and the state, 4, 4-7. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
4. Voronkova, V.H., Belichenko, A.H., & Popov, O.M. (2006). Upravlinnia liuds'kymy resursamy: filosofs'ki zasady [Human Resource Management: Philosophical Foundations]. Kyiv:Profesional [in Ukrainian].
5. Zhadko, K.S. (2019). Orhanizatsiia vyrobnychoi ta marketynhovoi diialnosti maloho i serednoho biznesu [Organizational and marketing activities of small and middle business]. UMSF. Dnipro [in Ukrainian].
6. Nosova, T.I. (2014). Ekonomichna sutnist katehorii «intelektualnyi potentsial» [Economic essence of the category "Intellectual potential"]. Mekhanizm rehuliuvannia ekonomiky - Mechanism of Economic Regulation, 2, 159-166. Retrieved from _Essence_of_the_Category_of_Intellectual_Potential_.pdf [in Ukrainian].
7. Chepinoha, V.H. (2014). Osnovy ekonomichnoi teorii [The basics of economic theory]. Kyiv: Lira [in Ukrainian].
8. Kristek, U. (1981). Krisenbewaltingungs-Management und Unternehmungsplanung. Neuebetriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, Bd.17. Wiesbaden [in Germany].
1. Базилевич В. Д,, Гражевська Н. І. Економічна теорія: Політекономія: навч. посіб. Київ, 2014. 710 с.
2. Барановський, О. І. Фінансові кризи: передумови, наслідки та шляхи запобігання: монографія. Київ, КНЕУ, 2009. 754 с.
3. Бутко М. П., Маюренко C. O. Теоретичні засади кризових явищ в економіці. Економіка та держава. 2011. № 4. С. 4-7. URL: (дата звернення: 20.11.2023).
4. Воронкова В. Г., Беліченко А. Г., Попов О. М. Управління людськими ресурсами: філософські засади: навч. посібник. Київ : ВД «Професіонал», 2006. 576 с.
5. Жадько К.С. Організація виробничої та маркетингової діяльності малого і середнього бізнесу: монографія. Дніпро: УМСФ, 2019. 224с.
6. Носова Т.І. Економічна сутність категорії «Інтелектуальний потенціал». Механізм регулювання економіки. 2014. № 2. С. 159-166. URL: _Essence_of_the_Category_of_Intellectual_Potential_.pdf (дата звернення: 01.09.2023).
7. Чепінога В. Г. Основи економічної теорії: навч. посіб. Київ, 2003. 456 с.
8. Kristek U. Krisenbewaltingungs-Management und Unternehmungsplanung: Neuebetriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, Bd.17. Wiesbaden, 1981. 115p.