Improvement of Biomass Accounting as a Bioenergy Asset of Agricultural Enterprises

Yuliya Bila

About the Authors

Yuliya Bila, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Doсtoral of Department Accounting and Audit, West Ukrainian National University, Department of Accounting and Audit, Ternopil, Ukraine, ORCID:, e-mail:


One of the priority paths for the development of the global energy system and the implementation of decarbonization strategy is the utilization of biomass as a renewable energy source. The absence of a standardized methodology for biomass accounting and the reflection of information about its presence in the composition of bioenergy assets pose a barrier to the development of alternative energy. The research aims to improve the analytical accounting of biomass, choose an optimal methodology for its assessment, and correctly reflect its presence and movement in the activities of agricultural enterprises. The scientific hypothesis of the study is the recognition of biomass as a semi-finished product in accounting. The article employs general scientific and specialized analytical research methods. Induction and analysis have contributed to identifying the significant impact of the absence of biomass accounting methodology on global energy and ecological systems. Economic-mathematical and graphical methods have allowed tracing the evolution of primary renewable energy production in the EU. Analysis, synthesis, and induction are applied to improve the analytical accounting of biomass and its assessment methodology. The article justifies the necessity of separating biomass as a distinct accounting object within semi-finished products. It proposes creating a separate sub-account to accumulate information about biomass in the economic activities of agricultural enterprises. Analytical accounts are allocated according to its types (plant biomass, animal biomass, microalgae, industrial, and household waste). The optimal methodology for biomass assessment and correct reflection of its presence and movement in the activities of agricultural enterprises is determined. Further research is needed to improve the accounting methodology for biofuel production processes and to create a separate report on the bioenergy assets of agricultural enterprises.


bioenergy, biomass, biofuel, accounting, decarbonization, semi-finished products.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Yuliya Bila