The Features of Innovative Activity and Implementation the Innovations to the Production Activities of Agrarian Enterprises

Liudmila Zapirchenko, Tetiana Ryabovolik

About the Authors

Liudmila Zapirchenko, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Business, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine,

Tetiana Ryabovolik, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics, Management and Commercial Activity, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, E-mail:


The article focuses on the specificity of the formation and advantages of the development of innovative processes in the agrarian enterprises. These agrarian enterprises account for almost one third of gross domestic product now. But at the same time, agro-industrial production in Ukraine is lagging behind the European Union for productivity and efficiency. In the paper the attention to the specificity of the forming and advantages of the development of innovative processes at the enterprises of the agrarian sphere is focused. At current stage the almost one third of gross domestic product are created by the agrarian enterprises. The search for such innovative solutions becomes extremely urgent, which would ensure the increasing of the efficiency of the functioning of the agrarian sphere, the rational using of natural resources and the increasing of the productivity of plant growing and animal husbandry in the conditions of limited natural resources. At present time, the constant implementation of the latest developments is the key of the sustainable development of agriculture. The expediency and necessity of introduction and realization of the advanced innovative and technological processes for the development of agro-industrial production and the obtaining of economic and social effect are determined. As a result of generalization of information on the essence and role of agro-innovations, the peculiarities of their implementation in the agrarian sector, the main directions of using the innovative technologies and factors that hinder their implementation are revealed. On the basis of the research of a set of indicators and factors it was found out, that the agricultural enterprises at a low rate make the transfer of innovation to their daily work, which naturally leads to the decreasing the quality of work. This is due to the low level of forming the huge agrarian enterprises and weak integration of farms. As a consequence, there is the inefficiency of using the modern expensive technologies and technical means of production. The using of innovations and technical and technological developments in the agrarian sector will allow increasing the competitive advantages, improving the efficiency of production and economic activity in general, because the agrarian sector in economically developed countries is gradually transforming to the science-intensive industry of production. On the basis of the research, it was found that effectuation of a more extensive policy of implementation and realization of innovations will provide the increasing of the efficiency of the functioning of the agrarian sphere, as well as will promote the rational using of natural resources and the increasing of the productivity of plant growing and animal husbandry in the conditions of limited natural resources.


innovation, innovative activity, agro-innovation, innovative technologies, agrarian sphere, features of innovative activity, agro-industrial production, implementation of innovations, productivity of production

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Copyright (c) 2018 Liudmila Zapirchenko, Tetiana Ryabovolik