The Theoretical Content of the Economic Security of the Banking Sector of the National Economy of Ukraine

Maryna Slavkina

About the Authors

Maryna Slavkina, Postgraduate, Classical Private University, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine, E-mail:


The article is devoted to the theoretical content of the economic security of the banking sector of the national economy of Ukraine in modern conditions. The weight of the banking sector for the functioning of the national economy makes the study of its economic security timely and relevant. For the time being, the question of the very possibility of applying the concept of “economic security of the banking sector” is debatable. The overwhelming majority of scientists who study the problem of banking security, focus on financial security, and not on economic security. Therefore, the theoretical aspects of the economic security of the banking sector should be investigated more deeply. The purpose of the article is to clarify the theoretical aspects that make up the methodological foundations of the economic security of the banking sector. Experts highlight the multidimensionality and significance of this term, however they emphasize mainly the preventive safety function, although it has other functions, in particular, control, ensuring the development of the system, creating conditions for cooperation. It was stressed that the importance of information and technical security of the banking sector, which, in our opinion, also provides economic security, cannot be minimized. Most of the existing studies of the economic security of the banking sector are fragmentary. Normative legal acts also do not have a clear definition of this category. In the National Security Strategy of Ukraine, approved in 2015, the need to ensure economic security is indicated. Disapproved of Capturing of the Among the main threats to the economic security of the banking network, the following are highlighted: imperfect and volatile legislation regulating activities in the banking sector; the lack of a clear direction of state economic policy for the frequent change of government; the negative effects of globalization and the lack of regulation of integration processes; low capitalization of domestic banks; significant expansion of foreign capital in the domestic market; the continuation of hostilities in the East; the vulnerability of banking internal networks from hacker attacks; significant volumes of problem assets; low level of security of deposit investments and the like.


economic security, banking sector, national economy, risks, conceptual apparatus, factors of influence

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Copyright (c) 2018 Maryna Slavkina