Competitiveness of Graduates in Conditions of Innovative Transformations of Labor Markets and Global Challenges

Anastasia Salo

About the Authors

Anastasia Salo, Applicant of Economics and Business Department, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, E-mail:


The article is devoted to the analysis of the influence of innovative and global factors on the formation and implementation of competitive advantages in the labor market of graduates of higher educational institutions. The article presents the systematization of scientific ideas about competitiveness in the labor sphere and, in particular, the competitiveness of graduates of higher educational institutions. The scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists about competition, competitiveness of the labor market, development of higher educational institutions and educational services have been used as a theoretical basis of the article. The research uses general scientific and special methods, in particular: analytical – for collecting and generalizing scientific information; abstract and logical – for the analysis and systematization of scientific ideas; tabular – for the systematization of the factors influencing the competitiveness of graduates. The author analyzes the scientific opinions on competitiveness in the labor sphere, identifying differences in the approaches of scientists. The author's approach to determining the essence of the competitiveness of graduates of higher educational institutions has been grounded. For the first time, it is suggested to understand the definition of "competitiveness of graduates of higher educational institutions" as the ability of graduates of higher educational institutions to find better job than graduates of other similar educational institutions, to choose competitive jobs with knowledge and competences gained during the training process, the ability to continuous educational and professional development, labor and professional mobility in the labor market. The author has suggested an approach to systematization of factors influencing the competitiveness of graduates. Factors are united in blocks: innovative, global, nature resources, medical-demographic, social, historical-cultural, psychological, economic, scientific and technical, competitive, organizational-technical, political, law. The attention is focused on the important role of innovative transformations of labor markets and the role of global factors. The indicators of competitiveness of countries according to the development of the system of higher education, indicators of the correspondence of the education system (including higher education) with the requirements of business have been analyzed on the basis of world statistics. The author has analyzed the innovative changes in the structure of employment by professions in Ukraine and certain European countries, which influence the formation of competitive advantages of graduates.


competitiveness, graduates, institutions of higher education, factors of influence, labor markets, innovative changes, globalization, employment, competitive advantages

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Copyright (c) 2018 Anastasia Salo