The Genesis of Banking Credit System of Russian Empire and Pridneprovskyi Ukraine іn the Second Half of XVIII - the Beginning of the XIX

Mikhailo Orlyk

About the Authors

Mikhailo Orlyk, рostgraduate, Department of Economics, Management and Business, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, E-mail:


Lending plays an important role in the socio-economic development of the most countries. The urgency of lending issues is increasing every year, owing to the desire of the business to attract additional financial resources, and individuals to increase living standards. At the same time, activation of lending is economically important and beneficial not only for borrowers, but also for banking institutions and for stabilizing and developing the country's economy as a whole. His role today is growing significantly in Ukraine, despite the financial and economic instability and the deterioration of macroeconomic indicators. The purpose of the research is to study banking and credit system in the Dnieper Ukraine at the initial stages of the banking system in the Russian Empire in the second half of the XVIII century and an analysis of the scientific thought contemporaries of the studied era. It was found, that the first attempts by the governments of the Russian Empire in the area of bank lending had certain difficulties that negatively affected the state's economy. The main problems that have emerged in the banking sector of the economy were often related to rigid State regulation, narrow confines of self-regulation and poorly conceived reforms that were carried out. Banks as one of the key elements of the economy should react quickly to economic and political trends, and undue state pressure has led to the bankruptcy of the above banks. A significant problem was the lack of interest of the bank's managers in developing and promoting their institutions, which in the future prompted them to abuse of corruption. No less important problems for the development of bank lending in the Russian Empire of the XVIII century were its weak economic school and ignoring global practice in lending.


appropriation, money, credit system, credit, credit card, loan

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