Challenges and Opportunities for Increasing the Competitiveness of Labour Force in Ukraine

Larysa Lisogor, Natalya Rudenko, Vladyslav Chuvardynskyi

About the Authors

Larysa Lisogor, Professor, Doctor in Economics (Doctor of Economics sciences), Chief Scientist, Proukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, E-mail:

Natalya Rudenko, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economics sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of International Economics and Marketing, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, E-mail:

Vladyslav Chuvardynskyi, Postgraduate, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, E-mail:


The purpose of this article is to investigate the challenges and opportunities for increasing the competitiveness of the labour force in the context of globalization changes, to identify the trends for ensuring the competitive advantages of the labour force based on improving its qualitative characteristics, taking into account the influence of contrary-oriented factors of influence on the development of society and the individual. As a result of the study, it was proved that the issue of challenges and opportunities accompanying the process of increasing the competitiveness of the labour force became relevant to the elaboration and implementation of effective managerial decisions aimed on the ensuring of improvement of labour force’s quality. Justified that the transformation of the challenges associated with the formation of the competitiveness of the labour force and the realization of its competitive advantages, into the threats, as well as the possibilities for increasing its competitiveness, depend on the vectors of change and the intensity of the impact of demographic, technological, socio-economic, educational, institutional, infrastructural and incentive factors. It has been determined that under the conditions of the dominant influence of stimulant factors on the formation and implementation of the competitiveness of the labour force, the transformation of the challenges into opportunities might be occurred, while the prevalence of the influence of factors-disintegrators can lead to the transformation of the challenges into a threats. Thus, the probability of the transformation of the challenges of the formation and implementation of the competitiveness of the labour force in the possibility depends on the intensity of the factors of stimulants. Accordingly, reducing the mortality rate of the working-age population, reducing the incidence rate of the population, increasing the number of workplaces with favorable working conditions, as well as the spread of healthy lifestyle stereotypes, and improving disease prevention can contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the labour force (taking into account the impact of demographic factors). Improvement of education quality, development of a system of continuous education, increasing the efficiency of the system of career guidance, an increase in the needs of the economy in professionals will be positively affect the labour force competitiveness (in the context of the influence of socio-economic factors). It was proved as a result of investigation that macroeconomic stabilization, improvement of the business environment, oriented towards creation of competitive jobs, increase of the level of remuneration (in the context of strengthening the relationship between skills levels and wages); improving the quality of social dialogue, increasing social responsibility are the main ways of minimizing the negative effects of socio-economic factors on the possibility of increasing the competitiveness of the labour force.


competitiveness of the labour force, labour market, challenges, opportunities, migration, demographic factors, technological factors, infrastructure, institutional factors, globalization

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Copyright (c) 2018 Larysa Lisogor, Natalya Rudenko, Vladyslav Chuvardynskyi