Personnel’s Professional Development in Terms of Activization of Innovative-integrated Processes

Anna Levchenko

About the Authors

Anna Levchenko, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Management and Commercial Activity, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropivnitskiy, Ukraine, E-mail:


In the article the role of professional development of personnel in the conditions of activization of innovative-integrated processes is investigated. It was emphasized that at present time, the most urgent tasks are to preserve and develop the existing personnel potential, to rationalize its using, to increase the labor productivity through the using of advanced technologies in Ukraine. The analysis of approaches to the definition of the essence of personnel’s professional development and other interrelated categories is carried out. It has been determined that personnel’s professional development is a process of continuous updating and acquisition of new knowledge, skills, competencies, which is aimed at their further using in practice, and the active creation of new knowledge taking into account the innovative changes in the environment, allowing to receive the current and strategic beneficial socio-economic effect. The modern differences of "adult education" are characterized, taking into account the separation of physical, virtual, emotional, cognitive and social components into the educational space structure. The groups of teaching methods include the individual and collective-group, active and passive, long-term and short-term, methods of formal, informal and informal learning. With regard to the staff development models, a model of competitive advantages, a model of employee support, a model of community support and a model-concept of human development can be distinguished. The key features of the transformation of approaches to the organization of personnel’s professional development in the conditions of activization of innovative-integrated processes are substantiated. They are based on the necessity of change from the learning, which are oriented on knowledge-based learning to the learning of staff to learn and create a new knowledge, to promote the development of intellectual potential and emotional intelligence, taking into account during learning the individualized needs of the individual and the tendencies of globalization in expanding the knowledge sharing in the world community, the widespread using of distance learning organization forms, active and interactive methods of participation in the learning process, giving a lot of attention to the teamwork, the practical orientation of training courses, the strategic approach to the organization of professional development and creation of preconditions for the implementation of learning outcomes.


personnel, professional development, method of professional training, model of personnel development, innovation development, innovative-integrated process, innovative-integrated structure

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Copyright (c) 2018 Anna Levchenko