Analysis of Trends in the Migration Movement in Ukraine and Assessment of Its Consequences and Threats

Viktoria Kabai

About the Authors

Viktoria Kabai, рostgraduate of Economics and Business Department, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, E-mail:


The geopolitical transformations that take place today in Ukraine influence the migration movement of the population. The visa-free regime between Ukraine and the EU significantly changed the intensity, nature and direction of labor migration. Against the backdrop of a sharp fall in living standards, rising unemployment and deep economic crisis in the middle of the country, employment abroad proved to be an effective way to solve life problems. The acquired experience of working outside of the homeland and the emerging migration networks also strengthen the migration sentiment. At the same time, the annexation of the Crimea and military actions in the East of the country caused large-scale forced displacement of the population to other regions in the middle of the state. Without being able to find a job at home, people were forced to migrate further abroad. Strengthening the asymmetry of the socio-economic development of regions under such conditions is a cornerstone, and migration processes can both solve and intensify it. Therefore, the assessment and analysis of the main trends of the external migration movement in Ukraine is of great importance. The purpose of the article is to deepen theoretical knowledge about the key trends of external migration movements in Ukraine, to evaluate these processes in the context of developing a motivational mechanism for their regulation and to determine the probable opportunities and threats that the existing dynamics have. The statement in the article suggests that the deepening of theoretical knowledge on the key trends of external migration movements in Ukraine is extremely important for developing an effective migration policy that takes into account national interests and strengthens the domestic labor market. Assessment of labor migration in terms of areas allows us to form a general vision of the environment for the motivation of labor migration. The current situation requires the development and operation of an effective mechanism for regulating the labor migration of the population of Ukraine, including the focus on the factors of its motivation. The prospects of further research are associated with the development of effective mechanisms for regulating the motivation of labor migration in the national interest, taking into account the regional tendencies in Ukraine and the world experience of foreign countries.


migration, migration movement, external labor migration, mobility, migration capital, circulation labor migration

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Copyright (c) 2018 Viktoria Kabai