Analysis of the Formation of Investment Sources in Agriculture of Ukraine: Problems and Ways of Effective Use

Svetlana Frunza

About the Authors

Svetlana Frunza, Associate Professor, PhD in Economics (Candidate of Economic Science), Associate Professor of Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance, Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine, E-mail:


The purpose of the article is to analyze the current state of formation of investment sources in the field of agrarian industrial complex. Effective reform of the economy, possible on the basis of intensification of investment activity, increase of investment volume, use of all sources of investment. Own sources are not enough, and borrowed and borrowed are the task of investment development of the agrarian sector. The main areas of investment of agricultural institutions are: land and infrastructure. Financial instruments include: bank lending, investments, agrarian receipts, commodity loans, bill financing. The main causes of the weakness of the mechanism of state support to agrarian enterprises are the imperfection of the mechanisms for obtaining and distributing budget funds and violation of budgetary discipline during their use. Changing the mechanism of allocation of funds from the state budget, cumbersome, belated approval and constant change during the year cause untimely receipt of state financial support, ineffective use and return at the end of the year to the state budget. The macroeconomic factors that caused the depressive nature of the development of agrarian enterprises are: reduction of their own investment sources of producers due to increased price disparities and depreciation of investment resources under inflation, reduction of state investment support, not compensated by their own and attracted sources of investment financing; the deterioration of access to credit, the growth of non-payment, the breach of economic ties, the deterioration of material and technical supply, etc. A significant source is the attracted funds from the state, as well as non-state institutions, in addition to foreign investments.


investments, investment process, government control, sources of investing, attracted investments, foreign direct investment, capital investments

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