Econometrics: Interdisciplinary Character of the Academic Discipline

Oleh Chornyi

About the Authors

Oleh Chornyi, PhD in Philosophy (Candidate of Philosophy Sciences), Post-Doctoral Student of the Marketing and Agrarian Business Department, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine, E-mail:


The purpose of the article is to emphasize some interdisciplinary characteristics of econometrics. Specific features of the interdisciplinary nature of econometrics are highlighted in the article. The importance of mathematical apparatus and economic theory common use understanding is emphasized. In practice, the use of knowledge and methodology of formal discipline to solve problems within the limits of social academic discipline is taking place. Formalization and simplification are defined as important characteristics of econometrics. Separation of dominant from secondary factors relates to the adequate use of the mathematical apparatus with the aim of connections search between economic phenomena. Within the scope of paper attention is drawn to the construction of econometric models of individual sub-sectors of the economic system: the innovation system and the banking system. It is important to pay attention not only to the interdisciplinary connections that exist between academic disciplines, but also to the boundary between knowledge of the separate disciplines. Permanent attention is given to the possibility of construction of an econometric model of a national economic system. Such large-scale integration should include all existing subsystems of a national economic system. The author made the assumption that exists the possibility of identifying correlations with other systems of society, if indicators that characterize other systems are quantitative. Macroeconomic econometric model must include indicators related to law, political science, sociology, demography and other sciences. Thus, econometric modeling can cover all economic subsystems and establish dependence with external environment. We can conclude, that econometrics is characterized by strong interdisciplinary ties between mathematics and economics. The problem that is considered in the work can be a part of the larger volume of interdisciplinary research.


economics, mathematics, econometrics, interdisciplinarity

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Copyright (c) 2018 Oleh Chornyi